Taliban says Afghanistan Will Not Interfere In Kashmir Issue

  • World
  • Politics
PUBLISHED 02 September 2021

After the United States withdrew its troops from Afghanistan bringing to an end its longest war in history, Anas Haqqani, the Taliban leader and scion of Afghanistan’s feared Haqqani Network has called for an amicable relationship with India and pledged not to interfere in the Kashmir issue.

In an exclusive interview to CNN, Haqqani, rejected accusations of terrorism against the guerrilla group controlled by his family and promised to provide complete security to all Afghan Sikhs and Hindus.

“Kashmir is not part of our jurisdiction and interference is against the policy,” Haqqani, who styles himself a poet, said. “How can we do against our policy? This is clear, we will not interfere,” he added.

Anas is the youngest son of the military commander Jalaluddin Haqqani, who fought both the Soviets and the Americans, and brother of Sirajuddin Haqqani, the head of the Haqqani Network

The outreach by Haqqani is the latest conciliatory signal from the Taliban leaders since the insurgent group took over Afghanistan. the new masters of Afghanistan, appearing keen to build friendly ties with India, which has poured money into rebuilding Afghan infrastructure.