Nasheed expresses concern about opposition's charges against India

  • Maldives
  • Politics
PUBLISHED 05 September 2021

Mohammad Nasheed, a former president who now serves as a member of parliament, has expressed worry about the accusations made against India by the opposition party. 

As the acting leader of the opposition coalition and the People's National Congress (PNC) president, Abdul Raheem Abdulla claimed during a rally on Friday, India had helped "steal" the 2018 Maldivian presidential elections.

In a tweet posted on Saturday, The Former President voiced his displeasure with PPM for attacking India, adding that India has been the Maldives' closest bilateral partner for the longest length of time and that they play a vital role in keeping peace in the Indian Ocean.

Abdul Raheem claimed that the presidential elections held in 2018 with India's support were stolen by the current ruling alliance, and he stated that this is not the first time this has occurred, as it is customary for big countries to try to take the independence of less powerful countries.


 According to him, the Maldives does not require Indian officers who travel to the Maldives for various reasons.