Over 50,000 people has signed the ongoing petition for a constitutional referendum

  • Maldives
  • Politics
PUBLISHED 05 September 2021

Over 50,000 individuals have signed a petition for a constitutional referendum to convert from a presidential to a parliamentary administration.

The petition was created by renowned lawyer Ahmed Nishan, and according to him over 50,000 people have signed up so far. And he said that attempts were presently underway to record the details of the signatories to one system.

“Right now I'm working on getting all of this information into a system so that we can detect repeat signatories in this way," Nishan said.

As Nishan continued, he observed that the petition had been favourably received by the atolls as well, and that more forms had been distributed to the atolls in order to collect more signatories to the petition.

Nishan said that the target number of signatures will be reached in no time if the supports continue at this pace and Until then they will continue doing the job.