Case filed to ombudsperson office to investigate mutiny on 7th Feb 2012

  • Maldives
  • Politics
PUBLISHED 12 September 2021

It has been sent to the ombudsperson office to investigate and to take actions against Officers who got in and captured TVM, the public service media, in a joint forces rebellion On the day when former president Mohamed Nasheed resigned as president of the Maldives,

One such case was just filed. Leading by Maafannu central constituency, Ibrahim Rasheed (Bondey) stated that on 7th February 2012, a joint force of MNDF and Police took control of public service media after firing its gate in their uniform is an act of terrorism.

According to the complaint, an act of terrorism similar to that carried out by the combined forces will be carried out under someone's command.

"Someone's command will be the cruel act of terrorism by those terrorists, and it is pretty certain," the case stated.

Following that, it has requested that an investigation be conducted to identify and prosecute the person who gave the orders to hijack TVM that day.

Under the law Ombudsperson office will have to investigate If any government authority or anyone who has authority and obligation to manage a government authority violated basic human rights and freedom of people between 1 January 1953 and 17th November 2018.

A two-year term is required by law for the investigation of complaints lodged to the Ombudsperson's Office.