Qasim praises Former Minister Ali waheed

  • Maldives
  • Politics
PUBLISHED 15 September 2021

JP leader and Maamingili MP Qasim Ibrahim have praised Tourism Minister Ali Waheed, despite his continuing absence from party events following issues that erupted during the recent parliamentary elections.

While addressing at a rally to increase the party's membership, Qasim reminded everyone that the party was in disarray after his imprisonment, followed by his exile overseas. In particular, he hailed current Tourism Minister Ali Waheed, who was instrumental in the party's recovery.

"Our party's leader Ali Waheed deserves a lot of credit, even though he's no longer around".  In M. Kunooz, where the JP headquarters is located, the JP leader claimed, "He will know what has happened because he hasn't been seen here at all".

It was speculated by Qasim that the Minister's absence was due to the burdensome duties of being a minister.

In addition, the JP leader informed the party's members that Minister Ali Waheed will once again participate in JP events despite his absence from yesterday night's gathering.

After the party's decision to back opposition candidates in Parliamentary elections, Minister Ali Waheed's relationship with his party was strained, as he previously revealed in an interview.

In addition, the Minister took involved in the campaigns of a few MDP candidates who were running against the PPM candidates. Then, after the elections, it was clear that he was taking a step back from his party activity.

In addition to Ali Waheed, numerous former key JP officials have recently been absent from party events.