Maldives Parliament in Deadlock as Speaker Recuses Himself from Presiding over Sittings

  • Maldives
  • Politics
PUBLISHED 21 June 2023

The Parliament of the Maldives is in a deadlock after 12 members of the main ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) left the party, weakening the relationship between President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and Speaker Mohamed Nasheed.

Speaker Nasheed has recused himself from presiding over parliamentary sittings, saying he is voluntarily abstaining from fulfilling his duty of presiding over sittings until a decision is taken on the no-confidence motion against him. He has also expressed his belief that that the no-confidence motions against him and Deputy Speaker Eva Abdulla were submitted with the intention to halt the work of the Parliament.

The deadlock in Parliament has prevented the progress of no-confidence motions against the attorney general, foreign minister, speaker, and deputy speaker. It has also prevented the Parliament from fulfilling its constitutional duties as the legislative body and addressing pressing public concerns.

If the deadlock persists, parliamentarians are expected to go to court to find a solution.