Fast, Affordable Ferry Service Now Available in Huvadhu Atoll

  • Maldives
  • Business
PUBLISHED 13 July 2023

The government-run Raajje Transport Link (RTL) ferry service has launched in Huvadhu Atoll. The service began on July 13, 2023, with six launches being sent to the atoll to provide speed ferry services.

MTCC CEO Adam Azim was present at the launch event to welcome passengers and speak to the media. He said that the people of Huvadhu Atoll are very happy with the fast speed and affordable transportation provided by RTL.

"If you are not satisfied with MTCC's services, or if you have an idea to improve it, please let us know," Azim said. "We are always looking for ways to improve our services, and we will take your feedback into consideration."

Thinadhoo Council President Saud Ali also spoke at the launch event. He said that the RTL ferry service will make it easier for people from different villages in Huvadhu Atoll to travel to each other and strengthen the bond of brotherhood.

A resident of Rathaphandhoo island , who was traveling to Thinadhoo on the RTL ferry, said that the service has made his travel much cheaper. He used to spend MRF 1,000 to come to Thinadhoo, but now the cost has decreased significantly.

The RTL ferry service is now available in six atolls: Haa Alifu Atoll, Haa Dhaalu Atoll, Shaviyani Atoll, Lhaviyani Atoll, Gaafu Alifu Atoll, and Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll. Huvadhu Atoll is the sixth atoll to be served by RTL.

The RTL ferry service is a major step forward in the government's efforts to improve transportation in the Maldives. The service provides a fast, affordable, and convenient way for people to travel between islands.