State Trading Organization Signs as Silver Partner for Maldives Boating Awards 2023

  • Maldives
  • Travel
  • Business
PUBLISHED 19 July 2023

State Trading Organization (STO) has signed as the Silver Partner for the Maldives Boating Awards 2023. The sponsorship agreement was signed with the National Boating Association of Maldives (NBAM) on July 18, 2023.

The Maldives Boating Awards is a major platform that values the boating business and people in the industry. It was introduced by NBAM in 2016 with the aim of promoting the growth and enhancement of the Maldivian marine industry.

The awards ceremony will be held in December and will include a total of 33 categories, including boat brands, safari boats, boating builders, dockyards, service providers, equipment sellers, and people in the industry who serve in various positions.

STO's sponsorship of the Maldives Boating Awards is a significant show of support for the marine industry in the Maldives. The company is committed to promoting the growth and development of the sector, and this sponsorship is a concrete way to demonstrate that commitment.