Beautiful Flamingos Cause a Seasonal Spectacle in Kulhudhuffushi

  • Maldives
  • Travel
  • Featured
PUBLISHED 19 November 2023

As the start of the Iruvai Monsoon approaches, it brings about colorful guests wishing to enjoy the most of the season- Flamingos. The trend began in 2021 when large flocks of Flamingos visited the Maldives Islands and caught the entire country by surprise. Since then, these Flamingos have settled in the mangroves of several islands around the country.

Photos of these birds as they arrive are being generated on social media. One island in particular, Kulhudhuffushi, is experiencing this seasonal spectacle in their own mangroves. A resident stated they believed the Flamingos had arrived at the island yesterday.

Of course, this did not occur without prior warning this time around. Earlier this month, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had published a notice expecting the marvelous guests to visit the Maldives again this season. They have also urged the public to be cautious and not to threaten or hurt the Flamingos during their stay, to avoid repeats of previous issues regarding the abuse of these seasonal birds.